The Earth is in a Covert Defensive War against the Draco Reptilians. What looks like a political battle between Trump & Biden is really this war in the public eye for the Freedom of Humanity. The Draco Reptilians has been on this planet creating havoc for Tens of thousands of years. Not all Draco Reptilian races are war like. More on that further in this post.

Now is the time to get to know thy enemy and why many races throughout the universe have had their run in with these Draco Reptilians. Rumor has it that Draco Reptilians are not from this universe. They were brought here from another universe by an unknown race millions perhaps billions of years ago.


The Draco Reptilians, are described as inter-dimensional extraterrestrial humanoid beings, who are believed to be the most ancient race in the universe next to the Lyrans and were apart of the Annunaki civilization group known as the Igigi. In this post, I will take you into the the culture and every day life of the Draco Reptilians with information prompted by recent discoveries, and close encounters. Some all ready know, or at the very least have heard of the Draco Reptilians. However new information has surface which may answer some questions as to our ancient history.

Draco Reptilians are purported to be extraterrestrial entities capable of shape-shifting into humanoid reptilian forms. Often characterized as possessing advanced intelligence and technology, they are said to exert influence over human affairs, including manipulating governments and impacting global events throughout the entire cosmos.

I know this Red pill about the Draco Reptilians will be hard to swallow for some. Just keep an open mind!!! If nothing else it makes for an interesting story.



Did you know that Draco Reptilians, who are inter-dimensional extraterrestrial beings, are one of the most ancient race of beings in the entire universe? Of course the Spider races might have something to say about that. This is noted in recent CIA-released UFO documents by the Freedom of Information Act.

Declassified documents also indicate that Saddam Hussein discovered a stargate portal and advanced alien weaponry adorned with winged serpent symbolism, the emblem of the reptilian empire. They have colonized over 500 planets by means of infiltration through governments and other leadership positions therefore have a presence on thousands of planets. Which the post, The Watchers Message fully explains.

The Draco Reptilian empires and societies live in the constellation of Draco, with their main systems called Alpha, Epsilon, and Sigma. There are seven different ancient reptilian species in the Draconis constellation’s star systems, however there are three main reptoid races, including the Alpha Draconians, which are the most known and feared.

They have been permanently on Terra, also known as Earth, for over 15 thousand years and sporadically for much longer, going back millions of years. Archaeological evidence has recently surfaced in modern-day Iraq, revealing small statuettes of lizard people. Radio carbon dating places their origin approximately 50,000 years ago. This evidence is corroborated by the African Dogon tribe and the Aboriginal melanated Australians.


Their three home worlds are Thuban-Anwar, the Alpha Draconian empire’s main and most ancient home world, Tiphon Giansar located in Sigma, and Grumium Eltanin located in Epsilon Draconis. Many reptiloid species, alike the Ciakahrr, Nagai, and Mazarek, for instance, feed off etheric substance as well as flesh and blood. They feed off all mammal species and consume live flesh blood are both sources of nourishment, in fact, intrinsically linked. It is easy to innerstand when you consider that flesh and blood have low etheric frequency, especially when imbued with the vibration of fear and pain experienced at death. This is also another reason why reptilian invaders work at hidden agendas to maintain a certain level of grief, starvation, destruction, and despair. There is also a very strong reason why they do not want to let go of the ownership of earth also know as Terra.


Adrenochrome, a substance produced on earth by children submitted to extreme pain and fear and more valuable to reptilians than anything else in the universe. This highly prized drug, excreted from the human body through a needle that you place in the left eye or back in a vertebra of the spine, gives them a “kick”, SEE… BLACK EYE CLUB, it helps their body cells regenerate and also benefits in the shapeshifting process, which lasts longer. This is the main reason why Terran earth abductees are trafficked by extraterrestrial reptilians disguised as organized crime societies such as corrupt governments and cartels. This is also why earth abductees never return, especially children, they are being used as food or slaves.

They also abduct female beings on a large scale in order to create hybrid offspring to be sent away to other colonized planets, these offspring become powerful members infiltrated in the main leading societies. Here are the currently recorded various species of reptilian species.

Alpha Draconians of Ciakahrr, these reptilian beings are the master ancient race of all reptilian humanoids. They originate from the Thuban star system, or Alpha Draconis, which is 215 light years from Terra and was formerly our pole star. They are sapient reptoids who were dumped here by another vastly superior race, the Tiamaatian, from another dimension. Their original home worlds are named Lokas and Talas, and the points of entry into our known universe were through inter-dimensional portals in the zone of the Thuban and Alwaid systems. Alpha Draconians name themselves “Ciakahrr” and are considered by their technological advancement in warfare as a master reptilian race. You find them also named Dracos or Dracs.


Their bodies possess consequent coverage in order to protect their skin from attacks, while the upper cast has wings allowing them to travel fast. Quite tall creatures, they are heavily muscular built, covered in scales. They vary in color, however their hues are very heavily melanated, which makes their safari desert home worlds the perfect environment with seven bio engineered dwarf suns. They known as the Ciakahrr are the most violent, tyrant war-mongering race out of all the reptilians.

It is also key to know the way to tell a Ciakahrr is by them having wings and stronger upper and lower bodies. However, through the mass expansion of cosmic history, there are countless Draco Reptilians who left their home worlds and Draconian culture over millennia and saw higher vibrational ways of life and joined the Galactic Federation of Worlds to fight the empire.


The most popular Draco Reptilian known throughout the cosmos was Tiamat, the Draconian Dragon Queen of Orion. She was a reptilian princess who first saved a group of the Lyran race beings from the Dracos’ takeover of Avyon. Later, she was gifted a planet, that a piece of that planet Tamat would one day become Earth or what other extraterrestrials call Terra. Evidence of this can be found in the Enuma Elish. She then birthed a unique hybrid race of beings known as the Annunaki royals of Nibiru, these half Lyran and reptilian beings would genetically modify and mix their DNA with modern humans millions of years later.

The Ciakahrr empire and the ruling elite sees Earth and earthlings as a source of nourishment for trade and slavery, sow they do not particularly have patience or love for humans. Although it is often believed that a warrior race is not intelligent, the Draconians make an exception to this rule. They are expert geneticists and have engineered and modified many biological species that we know today, including the Orion Tall and short Gray aliens who are technically cloned plasma non-bio lifeforms unable to procreate. For thousands of years, the race of gray aliens were cloned and engineered by the Draco Reptilians and became slaves to the Ciakahrr.

Blood is Blood
Hey, everybody it’s a mistake!

Draco Reptilians possess either three or five long-clawed fingers with an opposable thumb with talons on the ends, a large inferior jaw, holes for ears, and large eyes. Their genitalia are hidden by a flap of skin. They wear very little clothing except for extra armor, often seen with a belt used as an invisibility device. They are cold-blooded and need an adequate environment to maintain their body moisture and temperature. Nonetheless, their scales protect them from moisture loss, larger and thicker on their back. They are also fitted for space travel due to their ability to hibernate.

Most… not all… have supernatural technological powers such as shapeshifting, telepathy, inter-dimensional traveling, and lastly cloaking, which is for high-ranking Draconians. They are differentiated into two main types. The Earth Draconians and the off-world Draconians. The Terra Draconians pre-date earthlings by hundreds of millions of years. Like other reptilians, they falsely claim to have originated on Earth millions of years ago, a fact they use to justify their attempt to retake this planet for their own. The truth is that they found it before anybody else and disputed its ownership with the Lyrans, Selosi, and Annunaki, claiming it as theirs. Any other new visiting race TO EARTH was considered by them as invasive.


Because of their ability for inter-dimensional travel, the Galactic Federation of Worlds has locked the Earth Draconian empire into the 3rd dimensional plane and also blocked the off-world Draconians from penetrating the Earth star system by an energy barrier at the outskirts of the solar system.


Ciakahrr were one of the first species to reach interstellar travel level and they have obstructed the evolution of many cultures, preventing them from achieving the same level of technology. They also seeded many worlds with their biological own offspring and hybrids, considering themselves as the original rulers of controlled worlds, superior to the indigenous species they see as inferior races. They are also interested in harvesting Earth’s resources, utilizing the local populations to do the job for them.

This is done by a hidden control of the media, financial corporations and industrial companies. Humanity is confronted with a belligerent civilization that breeds from eggs boosted with hormones quickening the birth to create strong warriors, who can live underground and in the most remote and hostile parts of your planet. They are attempting to take over the planet in what is called the window of opportunity. Which is the period before a federated society becomes an interplanetary and interstellar power, and ours is now beginning to close! The problem is that we, of the galactic federation of worlds, cannot give all of Humanity right now the technology of interstellar travel because we are not yet federated among yourselves as a unique peaceful society.

We need to grow and mature to reach by ourselves this liminal threshold in our evolution. Believe me when I say, The Federation is doing the best in their capacities to hasten us getting there as quickly as possible. However, THANK YOU for the three Quantum Computers… owned by the U.S.A; Russia, and China.

The Ciakar draconian royalty and elite royals are scaled individuals with dark brown, beige, green, and black. They measure about 18 to 25 feet tall and weigh 1900 pounds. They have curved horns, a tail, and wings which are flaps of skin articulated by extensions of their ribs and can be folded back tight to the body. Remind you of anybody????????

In GOD We Trust. Yep, That's Me
Evil Personified. Can Evil Love Evil itself ?

They have large golden-red to blue eyes, with vertical slit pupils. Because of their size and psychic ability, Ciakahrr royals were mistaken as mythical legendary dragons by earthlings. They are known to have the symbol of the Winged Serpent. This Winged Serpent symbol was also worn by the Annunaki royals Ningishzidda, Enki, and Marduk once they sided with the elites. They thrive on inducing fear frequencies in their subjects, preying especially on the youngest subjects for food, notably earth children, to feed upon as a delicacy. Earth children are subject to intense vibrations of fear which produce a substance the Ciakahrr are particularly fond of.


Some Ciakahrr can also see across or move to other planets interdimensionally and become public figures where they use to divide-and-conquer tactics and dark sexual energy methods. The draconian men are alpha of alpha’s, they are all muscular, athletic, strong willed and they socialize hierarchies by strongest warriors all the way to intelligencers. Draconian are extremely fast, and strong, they compete in their own sports and love competition. Many of draconian women are as strong willed as the alpha men, they believe in manifest destiny and practice various levels of cosmic necromancy witchcraft which utilizes frequencies of sound and connects them to source. This is how the Annunaki royals used supernatural curses on Egyptian tombs of the pharaohs in ancient Egypt.


On the other side, all these invasive races such as greys, reptilians, are at the moment working very hard to maintain this window open by retaining advanced technology from the earthlings and entertaining confusion, conflicts and wars. The draconian empire biggest fear is that earthlings will reach interstellar travel which will make humanoids the biggest threat to reptilians. Oh, and we are…. The draconian empire does not want this to happen. Their ships have wide range variations, often discoidal but one there is a constant movement with the empire mother ships which are huge and cigarette long with large rectangular vessels.



As the reptilians expanded their reach throughout the cosmos, they were feared greatly by many and the negative ideologies of race began. Their were civilizations who would NOT accept the Draco Reptilians refugees even if they were of women and/or children, they were always detected right off by their dark scaly appearance. They had left the self service grip of the Ciakhrr Empire however were treated with every prejudice especially in the Pleiadean star system. References to this, can be found in Elena Daanan’s book “We will never let you down” Elena Daanan describes her meeting with Thor Han, a Pleiadean emissary. Thor describes that Nibiru was the planet for the dark black and albino reptilian refugees, all refugees of various civilizations in the Orion and Sirius Constellations. Think, Orion Wars!



Their language sounds like rolling atonal guttural vocalizations, growls, and clicking noises, quite loud and uncomfortable to hear, partially the reason why their telepathic abilities are sow well refined. Reptilians are into the arts and competitive sports. They are known to be the greatest musicians and entertainers, having a deep spiritual innerstanding to high and low frequency levels. This is why the Draconians were known to use sound waves and frequency weapons to their advantage in many wars and hostile takeovers. The warriors rarely speak, communicating with their superiors non-vocally. They call themselves “K’ Akumaa,” which means “individual,” when addressing each other. They call Earth “Shan,” and earthlings “Shanai.”

Draco Reptilians are allied with many groups of other species who share their agenda on conquest and dominion, The Maytrei and Kiily-Tokurit are reptilian allies who share with the dominion and conquest of earth. The Nagai/Nagari are a warrior subspecies. They are short, thick, very muscular, and have no wings. They are aggressive, violent, and feared throughout the galaxy for their renowned aptitude for combat. Their skin is scaled, and they stand 7 to 8 feet tall. They thirst for blood, and their eyes are yellow. The symbol of their race is Ouroboros.

The lower caste of reptilians are the small 4 to 12 feet tall Draconians. They are considerably weaker than the Ciakahrr and have been taken down by certain ancient human warriors in the past. Their stories are found in legends and myths; however, events of man fighting dragons are real except these dragons were extraterrestrials. Draconians allied with the Draco Reptilian agenda uses shapeshifting methods on Earth to blend in with people to masquerade as kind average individuals, then they deceive, abduct, and traffic earthlings.

Like the Annunaki the Draco empire also mines mono-atomic gold with the aid of human abductees alongside other enslaved species from other planets. The Nhorri, are hybrid sub species of peaceful reptilian Draconians who are the creators and engineers of sound frequency and music. They are unique and kind, and carry technological flutes and different instruments.


As stated in past posts, Human DNA has 22-24 unique species contained within and is considered Genetic Royalty. DNA is traded among different species throughout the universes. It’s been said DNA is the building block of life.


The Draco Reptilian hybrid programs have an interest in human DNA, as they have been involved with it since even before the Annunaki royals of Nibiru arrived. This is why it is widely known that all Earth humans are the most unique species in the cosmos for possessing ancient reptilian and Lyran extraterrestrial DNA in their blood alongside many other alien DNA. They have a passion for manipulating DNA, including that of their own hybrids and enslaved clones known as the Greys.

Draco Reptilians have 800 thousand miles of underground tunnels on Earth with two massive underground cities with their own sun. Think Inner Earth….In the early reigns of the Ciakarr Royal lines, King Sauron, the leader of the Draco Ciakhrr empire engineered a technology known as soul scape. He conducted despicable procedures and perfected a horrendous supernatural technological device. Over time, the Ciakhrr perfected a technique of ripping a person’s soul out of the body and disposing of it into a container. Trapped within this peculiar pod, the soul will live and experience life through an illusory matrix. Some say the Moon housed this tech. Now no longer functioning thanks to our friends on high. No one can kill a soul; all souls are immortal. However, the empire and King Sauron, the spawn king of reptilians realized that for their biggest threats to their dominion, they could at least find a way to extract the soul and trap it. The bodies of the souls are then used for A.I. experimentation and soul replacements on Earth. Many powerful public figures affiliated with secret societies on Earth are known to have been soul scraped and replaced by Ciakahrr entities in order to assist and position themselves over corporations, banking systems, powerful industries, celebrities, and governments.

Product Baby Legal Fiction
They presume they own us. Set them Straight

The Draco Reptilians considered a technologically advanced species that prefer to work in the shadows when colonizing large groups of civilizations, as an advantage for their own agendas. Reptilians from the Draconian systems are known for having a very particular routine to invade worlds. They will send enslaved inferior races for first contact, such as Zeta Do-Hu or Solipsi Rai, to disguise the invasion. Indigenous populations will be made to believe that harmless and apparently genuine visitors need help and assistance in their genetic project to save their dying race.

Leaders will be promised wealth, weapons, and technology in exchange, and when all treaties are signed by the governments of the planet, the Draconian Ciakarr empire shows up as the true governors of the planet. Once partnered with the Draconian empire and the population has inferior technology and a broken civilization, the planet stands no chance unless intervention by the Galactic Federation of Worlds, which is still a challenge to withstand the forces of the reptilian and Orion alliances and empires. Divide and Conquer is the rule…..

Their usual method of colonizing an inhabited world is to first build an initial base of operations underground, make contact with the inhabitants, and then expand progressively, traversing the planet with a web of tunnels. Invader races on Earth have interrelated agreements between them, as well as with the U.S. government and their security. Draconians have composed the secret pyramidal summit of the military-industrial extraterrestrial complex controlling all information related to alien presence. They control human elites, media, corporations, institutions, and financial systems, which stimulate poverty, war, and fear, encouraging corruption, terrorism, drug cartels, and sex trade, alongside all other organized crime around the entire planet. Reptilian Draconians have technology and allies on the moon above earth which is not a actual Moon hence an engineered one.

UfO flying over Moons Surface
Yep, it’s a Frisbee. I tossed it and took a picture real quick. Yea, right!

It is prominent to know that this information is no longer speculative, and soon to be shared though Mainstream scholars and skeptics dismiss reptilian existence, the pseudo sciences, archeological evidence, ancient texts, close encounters, and released FBI AND CIA documents of 2020 debunk the once non-belief of inter dimensional extraterrestrials and for the first time since the beginning of humanity is questioning OUR own very reality. It is important that we relay that the Draco Reptilians are a species and should not be all judged under a blanket as evil or bad, the Ciakahrr empire are the true enemies.

All extraterrestrials like humans can display characteristics of good or evil. Many of the peaceful Reptilian Draco refugees live in off grid worlds, and have also integrated and interbred with thousands of other species including humans.


You are asked to take all of this information then deep dive into your own research on these topics, as I have done. You will see the truth come to light, all beings are protected by the creator of all and as long as you show no fear and stand in your power, your higher self will evolve. As always, may the eternal light forever guide your path.

In Closing this post, for those in the know, that have been fighting this war in silence,,, This Doowan Thanks YOU for your saving grace. YOU are the true Heros of Humanity. To all our friends on high,,, my love goes out to you in Gratitude your love knows no bounds.

To you reading this post. I will never tell you what, who or how to believe. All I can do is share information, the rest is up to you….

The power in Spirit.
Flying on the Wings of Consciousness with Creation under my Wings






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