The Singularity

The Singularity, Does exist!

The Singularity
Did everything start from The Singularity?

It’s “YOU”

I was minding my business, answering an email. When The Singularity struck. I would love to share my experience with The Singularity. Because that’s what Spiritual Beings Do! Where one can feel The Singularity. This may clear up the Concept as to the meaning of the word. Or create a big Black Hole. This Singularity is brought to you by none other than The Singularity. The Singularity does Exist. You are The Singularity.

Spirit is a continuum. Constantly evolving and forever growing. The never-ending growth of consciousness. As we discover our Spirit. We continually grow in our awareness of Spirit. The Singularity of Spirit. We all share! Thank you Teresa, for sharing your Spirit.

Now days, I don’t believe a word that science spews in their studies. Or anything my Reason has to say. Of course, science can’t study Spirit. How can they study something they can’t find? SPIRIT/FEELINGS, What’s that?. They just presume it doesn’t exist.  Experience The Singularity and it is nothing of what Science describe. How can “they” describe The Singularity? And Reason The Singularity forget that.

Oh well, I Am Spirit, The Singularity, I can do whatever I choose to do. I can create whatever I choose to create. I can believe whatever I choose to believe and then experience all these bubbles. That’s Personal Power. Because it’s personal, I don’t need them to tell me what is what. I can always believe my own Reasons. Let them create their own world. Yea, how’s that working so far?

The Singularity of Mind
The Singularity of mind. Is that even possible?

The Singularity

The Universe is singing! Uni, One song, I sing. This song has one Verse, and that verse is you/U. You are singing the song of the Universe. So as we awaken to Spirit, we begin to Sing the one song. Once sung. Which of course is U, You singing. The Singularity is you. Can it have more clarity? Sing-U- with Clarity.

When we sound out the phonics of the word, Singularity. We SEE sound. The sound of “SING”. It sounds, its meaning. It’s a vibration, a frequency, Energy. The vibration of you creating your Universe. The Singularity. Is that a sine, wave! LOL

Here, sing this one verse. As Sound is the Power of Creation.

I Am Me as You are We and We are all together.

As The Singularity, Consider this, We are all together peeling back the layers of the onion. As we move from layer to layer seeking the freedom of Spirit from the onion. We are all together the onion, The Singularity with layers. Where each layer is a reflection of you. I hate Onions. They make my eyes water.

Sometimes it’s difficult to put into words. As words have a limiting effect on reality. As they are vibrations, Sound. They create magic in ones being through the Power of Intent. Spirit is unlimited as is The Singularity. Unconditional Love. Why be limited by Words?

The Singularity Countdown
Are we headed for The Singularity?Returning to our self?

Can you prove to me, or your Self, Reason, that another being creates your Reality? No, of course not. It’s your consciousness. Your Spirit, your Creation.

You create it. You reflect it. You experience it. You interrupt it. You feel it. In your reality you are God. After all, it’s your creation. So create something you desire to experience in The Singularity. In the Twinkling of an Eye. This is the power of Spirit in Love. Your Star. Your Sun. You are God.

As religion makes us believe, there is something outside of our self that we must give our soul too. We must have Blind Faith in something other than our self. Divide and Conquer. In discovering our Spirit we have come back to the truth in “YOU”. What God has joined together. Let no one man put asunder. Your God Self? Reality is your creation as you are the only one that can experience your created/reflected reality. Of all the billions of so-called people in the world. Creating their own reality, it begins to look more like the stars of heaven. The Universe. The Singularity.

It’s my experience. This is the U in The Singularity. It’s a cup, fill it up. Your chalice. It’s all a reflection of you. Some call it the illusion. What’s in a word? Characters/Sounds/Creation. Hearing is good, when listening for Zombies in the Real World.

Really, it’s a creation of The Singularity. Reflected in the mirrors of beliefs. Change a belief, change reality. Or Your Reflection of reality. One could try to change the mirrors. However, which one is easier for you? Change a belief, or change the mirrors!

You are The Singularity
It’s a paradox. We are all The Singularity Together. How can that be?

The Singularity of Time

We believe that time is linear, that it moves forward as we live in the past. This couldn’t be further from the truth. As the only time in the Singularity is NOW. How could it be anything else?

Therefore, be here NOW, as The Singularity, in Spirit we can move sideways in time. Remaining in the NOW and yet experience other time lines. Which I call, Parallel Realities. The NOW of multiple time lines. Thus we become Multi+Dimensional. In the NOW. How could we be anything else?  Thanks, Kate of Gaia!

I Am Me as You are We and We are all together.

As Spirit we can experience all time lines. This Singularity Dreams, We Dream a Dream, Within a Dream. The Three Attentions. Who knows there may be more. We are unlimited in Spirit. Limited in our beliefs.

Being multidimensional we have an infinite number of time lines to choose from. I call them Bubbles of Perception. Or descriptions. You pick a word that best describes it for you. That creates your creation. If one doesn’t like that bubble of perception move to the next, and the next until. Presto! NOW, YOU are Singing!

This is the power of Spirit with the magic of sound. Perception. Clarity! We create as many bubbles as we desire to experience. The Singularity is Experience. A Single Experience.

What do you feel? In your Heartmind. We all think. We Reason. We think, We Reason. Zombies have five Senses. And yet they feel nothing. Spirit feels Inner Silence. Spirit laughs. When Reason stops talking to its self… One stops thinking the world. We begin to feel Spirit. The time line remains in the Now. Remember, you are God, The Singularity. So laugh. Get use to it.

Of course one can always believe you are something other. That’s the power of the God Self. To believe I Am something different, just for the experience. How wonderful I Am. Did you feel that ?

The event horizon of The Singularity
In The Singularity, what is the event on the horizon?

The Singularity of Spirit

There is only one Spirit in the Universe. How wonderful it is to experience, or believe we experience another Spirit, or no Spirit at all. All those other billions of Spirits available to experience. When in fact, all consciousness shares one Spirit and that Spirit is Unconditional Love. That’s the power of feeling Spirit. Some do, some don’t. Choose!

Isn’t it amazing, everything and everybody you perceive and experience is a reflection of YOU? The Golden Rule may help. Do unto others as YOU would have them do unto YOU/U. Of course, there are two U’s in WE. Called the double YOU. They perceive as well. The Singularity. And then to blow your mind even further. All those Singularities out there experiencing YOU. YIKES!

Yep, that’s the power of The Great Spirit.

Spiritual Beings
We are Light Beings. Science says Light can’t escape The Singularity. What about Sound?

The Singularity of you

You is plural. Is that gooder English? It’s about usage as well. Sound usage. When all is said and done. We are all, The Singularity. Aren’t you? As confusing as this may sound. Here and Now, I Am Me is a Singularity. Here, I create the world in which I Am living for me. I discover that nothing exist outside of me. It’s a reflection of me. Being reflected in the mirror of my beliefs. The flip of ME is WE. That E is an interesting character. Sometimes silence. Notice how the E is always played with in the advertising. Now, That’s my experience. All that is. Is a reflection of me, myself and I. As I Am God in my reflection. It’s my creation. I Am Me as You are We and We are All together.

When you apply this feeling to you. The Singularity, must sing! What else can “YOU” do? Therefore all you have, is a Reflection of YOU/U. As you are the Singularity. Could it be that I Am just a reflection of YOU? Experiencing yourself. In polarities, YOU are just a reflection of me. And We becomes a reflection of US. We are you. And We are all together.

Hence, The Singularity is you. The Singularity is We. The Singularity is Us, all together, I.

So Sing, will U, in Clarity! C is just U turned on its side. Dreaming. Pleasant Dreams! A pouring out of Spirit.

A Stairway to Heaven
Experiencing The Singularity

The Singularity of Dreaming

In the Dream, You Dream of Me, As I Dream of You. I Am the Dream, And the Dream is We. We are all together in the Dream of The Singularity. I Am Me as You are We and We are all together in the Dream.

A Gift from Yourself to Yourself, for Yourself. YOU are God, The Singularity. Wow, NOW that’s amazing! That was fun! Did YOU feel that?

Enjoy the sharing of Spirit. As YOU pour out your Spirit to be filled again with Spirit. YOU are more powerful than YOU know.

Aren’t WE all?

The Key hole
In the Twinkling of an Eye. You are! The Singularity

The Sing-U- larity Sings: I Am Me as You are We and We are all together.

Next Bubble please! POP!

Knowledge is Power

Experience is Wisdom

Take your Power Back

Spiritual Beings are The Singularity


The Choices of Spirit
I AM Single. Are YOU the Singularity?

The Singularity, Does exist! The Singularity Singing.

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